Serious Fun!
We use our unique circus skills
to entertain and empower.
We offer interactive shows (up to 60 minutes long) and we also lead learning and play sessions. One of our most popular offerings is a 45-minute show followed by a 60-minute Circus Fun Station which gives people an opportunity to play and learn circus skills themselves.
We specialize in school assembly programs, daycare sessions, library events, and community fairs/festivals... but we are open to a variety of experiences.
We have over 10 years of experience working as certified school teachers in a variety of schools and cultures.
We performed on America's Got Talent.
We are the only two people to ever juggle 3 balls through an entire triathlon (swim-bike-run).
Trish was featured in an Herbal Essences Shampoo commercial for performing acrobatic juggling while 8-months-pregnant.
Bob has broken over 10 Guinness World Records for feats like running a mile while dribbling 3 basketballs and swimming while juggling 5 balls.
We gave a TEDx Talk entitled "Serious Play" in South Korea.
We've toured all over the United States
We've been featured on ESPN SportsCenter.
PHONE: 715.813.9449